Saturday, September 25, 2010

This and That and 20 months old!

Wow, what a month we have had around here.  I am so late posting that it is almost embarrassing to do it now.  I have been working on it for about a week and having trouble with the blog website, downloading pictures.  So, I apologize for the funky format and out of order pictures!  I don't even know where to start with what all we've done this past month.  We started out the month going on a weekend trip to Monarch Ski Town Condos with the Ute Plumbing group!  (With out the kiddo :))  Thanks Grandma Joy for keeping August that weekend.  We had a great time hanging out at the condos, sitting in the hot tub, sitting around the fire pit, eating wonderful steaks and homemade ice cream.  One day we took a 7 hour, 72 mile four-wheeling trip.  Some of the following pictures are from that trip.  THEN...the next weekend we went camping with about 40 other friends and had an absolute wonderful time.  My mom and dad came up to camp with us for the first time.  They had a great time riding the four-wheeler and seeing what it looks like above tree line (or air line as some call it )  We took a neat ride down to the beaver ponds and we did see a beaver but I didn't have my camera with me that time.  We did see all the destruction that a beaver can do!!!!  After that wonderful weekend we headed back to Falcon for one last night, loaded everything up and said "See ya later"  to Colorado.  We went to mom and dads for about 4 days and then on to Granbury!!!!  Our new home!  So, here we are, working on getting settled in.  It has been a crazy 2 weeks that we have been here, but it already feels like home and we are loving it.  The day that we drove in to Granbury it was 103 degrees....a warm Texas welcome :)  But it hasn't been as bad lately.  Our poor air conditioner on our 5th wheel may not think so though.  Yes, we are still living in the 5th wheel.  We are still hangin in there...except that I think that it is getting smaller by the day! 
 Darren has been extra busy with working already!  Lots of people want things done around here and are glad to see him :)  I am enjoying my time off for now.  I start work on Oct. 11th at Cook Children's NICU.  I am really really excited about it....except that it is nights.  But, I will survive and hopefully a day position will open up eventually.  I'm just glad to have a job! :)  
August is adjusting well.  When we drove into the campground we said, August what do you think?  And he said "home"!  He's not going to know what to think when actually move into a HOME!  After all that driving he sure didn't want to get in the car again for a couple of days!  We can't believe how much he is talking.  He talks in paragraphs, but you might only be able to make out 5 words.  But he gets his point across.  He will repeat anything that you want him to say.  He loves hanging out with Trace and Trevin, except that he thinks that they are both Trevin :)  He loves to play with dirt bikes, four wheelers, and trucks and will grab my hand and say SEAT! for me to sit down with him and play on the floor.  He loves to stack them all on top of the truck and see how far he can go before they fall off!  I think that my favorite words this month are wakkles (waffels) and stabies (strawberries)!

this is an old mining cemetery that has been restored.  All of the people that died here was back in the 1800s.
A partial list of those that had died.  
The Ute Plumbing group!
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The grave of a 6 month old
above tree line
Darren and I.  We had just drove on that little tiny trail to the left
Labor day camping trip.  All the camp chairs around the fire.
August LOVED getting rides from his best friend Kevin!  
Beaver pond
This is the work of a beaver.  They are working on chewing this tree down.  It is a HUGE tree!
This is the top of the tree that they are working on chewing down!  It was the tallest in the forest.  That is one ambitious beaver :)
More of August and Kevin
Riding again.  August didn't like dirt in his eyes so we solved that problem by putting sun glasses on him.  He thought he was pretty cool with his glasses on!
Above tree line again
Mom and Dad made it!!!!  As you can was cold and windy up there!
Darren and I
Mom and Dad on the 4-wheeler!  They had a great time!
Michelle found an awesome box springs that she wanted to decorate with :)  Only one to get it back down the mountain.  Oh, we'll just bungee it to her back :)

August wanted to wear his hat at breakfast because Daddy had his on.  I guess we need to work on manners :)
August was so excited that he got to ride in the tractor with Paw-Paw.  
August LOVES to drive and doesn't want you to help at all.  It gets a little scary at times :)

In a box with puppy :)

1 comment:

CabinFever said...

Thanks for the update - I'm sure it was difficult to leave your Colorado friends behind. Hooray Michelle for "repurposing" some old bed springs - a treasure for sure! When you finally get into a house again, it will feel like a mansion.