Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday August!

What a year! On the 14th, August turned 1! We can't believe how fast that year went. It seemed like just yesterday that our lives were changed forever with the arrival of our little precious boy. We finally became parents..something that we had been hoping and waiting for, for so long. It seems like just yesterday we held him for the first time, heard his first cry, and kissed those chubby cheeks. I remember so vividly how we nervously strapped him into his car seat for the first time and drove home to begin our new lives. Now...we no longer have a baby, but a little boy that is working on walking, saying his first words, throwing temper tantrums, and making us laugh every day. We can only imagine what the days ahead will bring us. I'm sure that there will be lots of laughter, lots of tears, and lots of praying for patience as our little boy grows and learns. When he was born he was 9lb. 3 oz. and was 22 inches long. Now, at one year he is 21 lbs. and 32 in. long. So much growing in a year! This first picture is August when he was just a few hours old and the next picture is one year old!
This past month was a busy one! We went to Grampy and Grammy Hartman's for Christmas. August got to take his first snowmobile ride! He was a bit scared at first but it didn't take him long to start his "vroom vroom"! He discovered a new toy for him....Grammy and Aunt Sandy's walkers!!! We eventually had to hide the walkers because everyone was tired of giving him rides on it :) Aunt Sandy didn't mind giving him rides because it was a good excuse to go by the candy table :):):) August took his first "good" steps on Christmas day. He is still working on the walking thing but goes further every day. He will pull himself up on something and make it to the middle of the room before he falls! The next week we headed to Texas for New Years. We had a lot of fun there with all the cousins! Then it was back home to start planning the first birthday bash! We had a great turnout and August LOVED his cake! I don't think that we will let him eat icing again! He was going in circles that night. He got lots of really cool toys!!!

August is trying to say so many words. He says Hot, Mama, Dad, Pa-Pa, and something that sounds like light and what's that. He uses sign language to tell us more and done. ANYTHING with a motor or wheels on it is "vroom vroom"!!!! He loves to play chase and loves to wrestle with Dad! He laughs when you tell him No, and throws his head back and throws a little tantrum when you take something away from him! That is where the praying for patience comes in! :) He finally cut a 7th tooth and we think some more are coming in !

Opening Christmas presents
He would rather just eat the paper
Going on one of his many rides on the walker
Reading a book with Grandma Joy and Aunt Sandy
My first snowmobile ride!
August LOVES his paw-paw! When we went to leave there he gave him a huge hug and wouldn't let go and then waved bye-bye to US!
Hmmm...does anyone else think this is illegal ? :) Well, we were only going 1/2 a mile down a country road to grandma's house :)August with great-grandma Byrd
Playing with Skye

Spaghetti mess
Boys and their toys :)
August and Paw-Paw reading Ripley's Believe it or Not!
Birthday Boy! I was surprised that he let me put this on him. I put it on him the other day and he took the elastic and snapped himself with it! OUCH!
The birthday cake!

I think this picture is hilarious. We were singing Happy Birthday and August decided that he was going to touch the flame on the candle. You can see Darren's hand trying to stop him.
This is what happens after a little boy gets burned by the candle! It only took a couple of licks of icing before he forgot the trauma that happened before!

UGH! Messy Messy Messy!
I think that it was at about this time that we decided that he had eaten enough of that icing!

August loves to climb in everything! Problem is that he can't get out.


Corey, Julie, Trevin & Logan said...

Very sweet! My, how big he is! Happy Birthday, August! We need to come visit you! Have fun with your new toys!

Michelle said...

We love all the pictures! Can't believe he is a year old already! It's so fun to watch him grow through the pictures you post. Glad that all is well with you three! Love,Michelle and Morgan

Miranda said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet little boy!! Love all the pictures!! :) He is growing into a very handsome little boy!