Wednesday, February 17, 2010

13 Months!

Has it really already been a month since August turned 1??? It seems like he is really turning into a little man. It is amazing the change that has taken place in one month. Its amazing that a year ago he couldn't even smile and now he actually understands what we are telling him. August is practically running around the house now. He still doesn't understand that he can get up in the middle of the room so if he falls he crawls to something in order to stand up. But...his main mode of transportation is now his feet instead of his knees. Thankfully that has helped his little legs not get so bruised up.....but it has not helped his head. He has a tendency to run into walls quite often....I think that he might have gotten that from his mother! Half the problem is that he loves to be chased so he will run down the hall looking behind him and run smack into a door frame or the wall. Thankfully he has a pretty hard head and seems to think that it is funny. Go figure...he gets THAT from his dad! August is really into books right now. He loves to point out different things and can look at the same book over and over. He is able to point out many different things if you ask them where they are and he is even saying a couple of words. Our favorite is his word for cookie....Mmmmmmm.
August reading a book before he goes to bed.
Hmmmm....this is a very serious book it looks like.
Wow! Does anyone think that this kid needs a hair cut???
Rocking to the music!
Hair cutting time. We learned that it is not easy to cut a 1 year olds hair! We used a lot of things to keep him busy. His favorite was playing with the phone.

August loves this tunnel that we got for him. He thinks that it is so cool to play peek-a-boo in it! He will sit in it and then fall backwards and roll. He reminds me of a hamster in an exercise wheel :)
Mom? Do you think that my 4 wheeler will fit in there?
Happy Valentines Day! August was super tired when we were taking this picture and couldn't get a smile out of him.

Its so hard to get a good picture of him now because he is always on the move. So, almost all of my pictures are kindof blurry.
I caught August running through the house with the bottle of syrup! He got it out of the pantry without me knowing! Thankfully I caught him before he figured out how to open up the lid.
Cheese Face!

Showing off his teeth! :) He has 8 now. He just cut a molar the other day!

1 comment:

Laura Jelinek said...

Your little fellow is SO cute. Thanks for sharing!