Monday, March 2, 2009

6 weeks!

Well, here I am, posting 6 week old pictures and August is almost 7 weeks. This past week went a little too fast for me, I guess. August is really cooing and smiling a lot now and we MIGHT have heard a little giggle the other day. He really gets excited when we lay him on the floor and he just kicks and kicks. He has also discovered himself in the mirror. We have a mirror on the back of the seat where his car seat is and everytime we go somewhere he just talks and talks to the "other baby in the mirror." It is very entertaining. We just wish that we knew what he was saying :)
That was funny!
Aunt Sandy gets to meet August for the first time.Me and mommy before Wednesday night bible study. Dont I look spiffy in my first pair of shoes?
Darren reading the Wed. night study to August.

No, don't take my picture!!!
Another one of my great great Aunt Sandy

1 comment:

Aunt Cinda said...

No more jeans and shoes! He looks to grown up, keep my baby little!!!! Very handsome though!